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Hybrid Mutual Funds

Rohit Kalta

A general classification of investments may be made depending on the level of monetary risk involved in each type of investment: debt investments (low risk), equity investments (high risk), and hybrid investments (mixed investments). The majority ofInvestment advisors advise their clients to design an investment plan that is based on their financial objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Because everyone’s requirements and goals are different, it’s difficult to categorise investors into simply two categories: high and low-risk. In such a situation, hybrid mutual funds can be of assistance. This article will examine hybrid funds and explain numerous important factors to consider before making an investment in them.

You will get to know every minuscule detail before planning for an online mutual fund investment.

What are Hybrid Funds?

Hybrid funds, as the name implies, are a combination of equity and debt assets that are tailored to meet the investment objectives of the fund scheme. In order to appeal to a diverse range of investors, each hybrid fund contains a distinctive combination of equity and debt.

How exactly does a hybrid fund work?

 A hybrid fund, also known as a mixed fund, seeks to develop a well-balanced portfolio that gives its investors consistent income while also providing them with a long-term capital gain. According to the scheme’s investment objectives, the portfolio or the fund manager develops a portfolio by allocating funds in varying amounts to equities and debt securities. Additionally, if market movements are favourable, the portfolio manager will buy and sell assets to maximise profits.

In what situations should you consider investing in a Hybrid Mutual Fund?

A hybrid fund (also known as a mixed fund) carries more risk than a debt fund, but less risk than an equity fund. Many low-risk investors choose them over debt funds because they often generate higher returns than debt funds. Among new investors who are worried about investing in the stock market, hybrid funds are a very popular choice. This is the case because the debt component protects while they ‘test the waters’ with the equity component. Hybrid funds allow investors to get the most out of their equity investments while also shielding themselves from the risks associated with the stock market’s fluctuations.

Types of Hybrid Funds

Because each hybrid fund’s asset allocation between equity and debt might differ, they can be categorised as follows:

Hybrid Funds with a Focus on Equity

An equity-oriented hybrid fund invests at least 65% of its total assets in stocks and stock-related securities of companies with varying market capitalizations and sectors. The remaining 35% is made up of debt securities and money market instruments.

Debt-focused Hybrid Funds

A debt-oriented hybrid fund is one in which at least 60% of its assets are invested in fixed-income securities such as bonds, debentures, government securities, and other such instruments. The remaining 40% is invested in stock market investments. Some funds have a small portion of their assets invested in liquid securities, but only a small portion.

Balanced Funds

At least 65 per cent of the total assets are invested in equities and equity-related instruments, with the remainder of their assets being invested in debt securities and cash. When it comes to taxation, these funds are considered equity funds, and long-term capital gains of up to Rs 1 lakh are exempt from income tax and are a good option as a tax-saving mutual fund.

It is a viable alternative for stock investors because the fixed income component helps to reduce the volatility associated with investing in equities and bonds.

Monthly Income Plans

Monthly Income Plans are often hybrid funds that invest largely in fixed-income securities but also have a small allocation to stocks and other equity-related instruments. As a result, such programmes are more likely to generate larger returns than pure debt schemes, and the fund can supply investors with a steady stream of income. Most plans also have a growth component, in which the revenue raises the fund’s corpus.

Arbitrage Funds

Investing in arbitrage funds involves purchasing stocks at a discount in one market and selling them at a premium in another market. The fund’s management is constantly on the lookout for arbitrage opportunities that can be used to boost the fund’s performance. However, there are some instances in which attractive arbitrage opportunities are not available. During these periods, the fund’s investments are often made in debt securities or cash. Arbitrage funds are regarded as being on an equal footing with debt funds in terms of security. Long-term capital gains, on the other hand, are taxed in the same manner as dividends from mutual funds.

The following are important considerations when investing in Hybrid Mutual Funds in India:

As a result of their asset allocation, hybrid funds carry an increased level of investment risk than traditional mutual funds do. A thorough examination of the policy’s portfolio is therefore required in order to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the risks involved. For example, if you invest in an equity-oriented hybrid fund, you must take into account the fund’s holdings in common stocks and other securities. The majority of the stocks in the portfolio are large-cap or small/mid-cap in size. Having a better grasp of the dangers will aid you in making smarter decisions. Additionally, it will give you a general notion of the type of profits you might expect in the future if you invest.

Choosing the Most Appropriate Hybrid Investment Fund

In light of the wide range of hybrid funds available, it is vital to take your risk tolerance and investing objectives into consideration when choosing a scheme. Because of the inclusion of equity, a debt-oriented hybrid fund may deliver greater returns than a pure debt fund if you require a consistent stream of income over time.

Are you looking to invest in a hybrid mutual fund? Get the best guidance from Simplifysors. As online mutual fund investment in India is gaining enormous popularity, Simplifysors is a leading mutual funds distributor that can help you choose the right funds based on your investment goals.

Disclaimer: The above information is for education purposes only and does not compel any user to follow a set pattern. Before investing in any fund, it is advised to get in touch with the experts of Simplifysors.



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